Wednesday 15 January 2014

Official Launch!

Today marks the official launch of the online version of the BC Speed Skating Regional Stream Events Manual


Thank you to everyone who has helped to make this project a reality. Feedback is welcomed and encouraged- on the format of the blog, to the events themselves, to any "best practice" tips you have from your local environment. 

If you have pictures or videos of the events featured in the Events Manual, please let me know. If possible, it would be great to feature them on the blog for others to see.

Monday 9 September 2013

Archived (Complete) Version of the Manual

While the online version of the Regional Stream Events Manual is being completed, the archived version of the Manual (v2012.0) is still available as a pdf document: Regional Stream Events Manual v2012.0.

Saturday 17 August 2013

Welcome to the Online Version of the Events Manual!

Welcome! The online version of the BC Speed Skating Regional Stream Events Manual allows for an interactive, portable experience. Please add your comments and questions. The online version will be monitored and updated regularly.
